Cricut crash course Day 4 – intro to design space

How to download and install design space

Design space by Cricut is a free online software program that you can use with your cricut machine. You can create your own designs or upload designs that you have purchased. You can download the Cricut design space at The software is easy to use and you can use it with a variety of different operating systems. This includes windows, Mac, your iphone or your android phone. This is handy because you can work wirelessly with your tablet or laptop.

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Step 1

Visit and select the download button.

Step 2

Open the downloaded file and the software will automitically install the software for you.

Step 3

Than click on the “Machine setup” and select your cricut machine.

Step 4

Now Create your Cricut ID by filling out your profile and login information.

Step 5

Connect your cricut machine with the Design Space software by following the on screen instruction. You need to make sure your cutting machine is turned on so that the software can connect to it.

Step 6

Select the ” Update” to make sure that you are running the most recent version. The software will automatically register the cricut machine for you. Click on “Next” to continue.

Uploading files to Cricut Design Space

It is very easy to upload files to Design space. You can find cut files in many different online sources. If you purchase them online you should recieve a download link, after the file is downloaded you most likely received a zip file. If you are unfamiliar with and need help unzipping them click here.

Learn how to upload a SVG cut file to Cricut design space with this blog post.

Step 1

Start by selecting “New Project”

Step 2

Select the “Upload” button

Step 3

Select the ” Upload Image” button.

Step 4

Select the “Browse” button to search through your files.

Cricut Design Space tools Glossary

If you are brand new to Cricut and are not familiar with the lingo than make sure to read through this glossary. It includes a few of the most common terms.

If you would like to learn more about the Cricut Design Space canvas and what all the functions are for than check out this post here.

Canvas – This is the workable area where you create your design in the software.

Weld – It is a tool located in the edit tool bar. This tool can allow you to join shapes and remove overlapping cut lines.

Attach – This allows you to attached different cuts in the same position on the cutting mat.

Align – This function is used to line up the images you have on your canvas.

Arrange – Arrange helps you select the arrangement of the images in your canvas. You can change the position from back to front.

Bleed – This is a print function. It means that your image will print with extra ink around the edges. This is so you can get nice clean cuts.

Flatten – This function allows your to select several designs and flatten them into one design, this is used for print then cut images.

Group – This allows you to group several layers together so you can move them all at once

I hope that quick introduction to Design Space helps you to get started with your new machine. Stay tuned for the next class where we will learn how to Print then Cut in Design space.


Hi I'm Catherine and I'm so glad you've decided to stop by and make stuff with me! My blog is full of fun project to keep you entertained and help you learn new skills. Here you will find lots of fun and easy crafts, printable, svgs fils and home decor ideas.