If you love crafting and making your own products than you may be thinking of going to craft markets to sell your designs. If your new to farmers markets and craft sales than it might seem intimidating at first. A good way to make your first time smooth and successful is to create a list of what you need to bring so you don’t forget anything at home.
A printable checklist is great because you can print it off as many times as you need and just check the list off as you collect what you need. I’ve created a handy printable check list that you can get for free . The checklist is editable in adobe reader so you can change the list and add new items. Included is also lots of blank space for you to customize by adding items unique for your booth. You can either right them in by hand or add them to the files digitally in adobe reader or drag and drop into your browser so that you don’t have to include it each time.
To find the free editable pdf just click here and it will be sent to your email.

If you love being organized and you want to really stay on your game than I recommend a handy planner. I’ve also created the perfect business planner that you can buy here. It includes 50 worksheets to help you organize your market booth, social media marketing, finances, and more. Also included are lots of bonus items like svg cut files for making tags, business cards, stickers and divider tabs to help you organize your booth.
Buy the planner here
If your just getting started and want a listing of products to bring then check out this shopping list guide with handy links. If you can’t find what your looking for locally than you can also check out on line to find the products you’ll need for a successful first show.
Top 10 items to bring to your first market
So if you are just starting out or even if you are experienced its helpful to have a list to check off. Get my free editable and printable checklist here. Here are some of the top items to bring to every market
Its a good idea to check with the market to see if a table is provided first. If not than you will need to bring your own so its important to make sure that fits in your vehicle. Folding tables are handy because they will fold in half and fit into most backseats or trunks.
Check with the market first to see if chairs are provided. In my experience usually they are not. A folding chair is great because they are light weight and fold to fit into your back seat or trunk.
3. Planner
A good planner can be great for keeping you organized. You can write down any notes you think of for your next market in it. And its a great place to keep all your work sheets in order such as order forms and newsletter sign up forms. I’ve created a great planner that you can get here. It’s instant down load so after you purchase it you can just print it off, hole punch and place into any 3 hole binder. I recommend a stiff cover binder to make it easy for writing.
Throughout the day you will end up with waste for your lunch waste, and paper waste you accumulate along the show. Some times there may not be a garbage near you or if you are busy its good to have one close by. Even just an extra grocery bag that you can hang out of the way can be helpful. You don’t want the garbage to be hanging out on the tabletop.
Its important to have a cash box with a float in it. How much you bring is up to you and the size of the market you are visiting. You may want to bring a variety of change, but most importantly bring lots of small bills to help you to break larger bills. A lot of customers just go the atm machine and will have $20 bills in their purses.
Some customers bring their own reusable bags but mostly they don’t. Be prepared to package your products to make it easy for the customers to walk back to their car with. Either purchase new plastic shopping bags or if you are at a more low key venue you can reuse your own that you brought back from the grocery store.
7. Food and water
At the market you will probably be busy attending to customers and may not have time to get yourself lunch. Bring some bottled water, granola bars and maybe a sandwich. That way you can quickly grab a bite to keep your energy up when you have a second between customers.
A lot of customers don’t carry cash on them anymore. Most people are used to using a credit card or debit machine. Some venues are not equipped with atm machines. It can increase your profits if you bring a portable credit card machine.
At the market sometimes people are just browsing and don’t purchase. It can be helpful to leave a stack of business cards on the table. Its a way to invite people to visit your website or call you with questions. I recommend getting some cheap cards printed because you will easy go through 50 at each market, people love to pick up business cards. Also you may mingle with other vendors and exchange cards for future business opportunities.
10. Projects to work on
Inevitably you will have some down time during a market. Either right at the beginning before the wave of customers arrive. Or during the event, there are always highs and lows. Have a project to work on whether it be knitting or jewelry making is a great way to pass the time. It is also a great conversation starter. Customer will come up to you to ask you what you are working on and its a great way to introduce them to your products.