How to make an envelope throw pillow

How to make an envelope throw pillow

Envelope pillow cases are the best thing ever. They take just 20 minutes to sew up and you can use left over squares of fabric to make colourful pillow covers. Its so easy to change up your home decor with just a simple sewing project.

To make the pillow covers you just need some fabric for both the front and the back of the cushion. You can use the same on both sides or make the back neutral for a professional look.

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How to make a envelope throw pillow
1. Cut a square of fabric measuring 19” x 19“ for the front of the pillow
2. Cut a rectangle peice measuring 14” x 19“ for the back
3. Cut a second rectangle measuring 13” x 19” for the back
4. Hem the 2 small recantgles on one sideo of the longest edges each
5. Place the 14” x 19” right side faceing the right side of the 19” x 19”
6. Place the 13” x 19” on top of the stack, right sides facing
7. Pin along the edge of the fabrics
8. Sew along the edges. Make sure to round off the corners
9. Trim the corners to remove bulk
10. Turn the cushion cover inside out and place over your throw pillow


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