Using the internet and being involved with the online word can offer so many opportunities. You can shop and ad products to your shopping cart with just a click and chat with new friends you have never met before. You can share images of your recent trip, the internet has so many exciting opportunities. But it can also leave a trail of you data that may become exposed to the wrong people if your not careful.
Today I would like to discuss ways to protect your self from fraud and to protect your privacy while being online.
Its important to remember that the internet is not anonymous everything you post is kept online like a digital memory, you never know who could be viewing it. Anytime you do anything online make sure to think twice before posting any comments online or sending any information through links. Always try to think what could be the consequences and what might be done with your information.

- One of the best ways to protect your privacy is to not over share on social media. Always be away of your privacy settings and who can access your information. If you share what high school you went to people can guess what your high school mascot was which is a common security question. Also if you provide links to family members its easy to guess what your mothers maiden name is which is another popular security question.
2. Its also important to not over share information about your travel plans. When people can see when you will be out of the country this give them information about when your home will not be occupied which can leave you vulnerable to theft. Make sure to adjust your privacy settings so that it is set to only you or just friends and people you trust who can see your personal information. Also try to think ahead and don’t post anything that can cause embarrassment or could affect your future job opportunities.
3. When shopping online there are cookies and tracking software that will follow you. You may have noticed ads showing up in your social media that reflect your browsing history. You can browse on incognito or private browsing mode so that web browsers such as chrome or safari can not track your browsing history.
4. Whenever you are browsing on public wifi try to avoid doing anything that can contain private information such as bank or credit card information. This is an excellent time to enable the private browsing mode with your web browser. An extra step you can take is to use a vpn, virtual private network. This allows you to send information as if you were on a private network similar to your home wifi.
5. When you are choosing a password try to not choose something that could be obvious to other people. Don’t use things like your birthday or your kids names instead create something unusual. With so many passwords to keep track of for all the different sites something that is handy is to use a password manager. Password managers also can help you to generate a strong password. Password managers range from free to paid services and you can find many just by doing a google search.
I hope these tips will help you to stay safe while browsing online and if you are looking for any professional private investigator assistance visit the https://www.haywoodhunt.ca website for a free consultation.