These felt donuts are great for a Valentine’s day craft or gift. If you love making felt food for your toddlers playstation than these are a perfect first project. They are easy and quick to make and you can create a large variety of colors.
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These felt donuts are quick and easy to make and perfect for your toddlers play food collections or for holiday decorations. If you are looking for more Valentine’s day crafts than check out these other free designs found on my blog.
To get the free pdf file to make some fun Valentine’s Day crafts just use the newsletter sign up form below and the pdf file will be sent directly to your inbox. Find lots more free designs here.
Than place onto the craft felt and trace out the design.
Here are the pieces in all the colors cut out.
I used 2 of each color I had totalling 12 sequins to cover the frosting piece. But alternately you can use embroidery thread or bugle beads to create a sprinkle design.
Tie a knot in the end of 2 threads of embroidery thread. I chose to use the same color as the frosting but you can use any color you like. Bring the need up from behind and threw the center of the sequin. Than bring the needle back down on the right side of the sequin. Now once again bring the need up the center of the sequin now down the left side as shown below. Continue to sew the sequins on this way until the frosting piece of felt is covered.
Here is the final piece with all the sequins sewn on.
With straight pins pin the frosting felt piece to the donut top.
Now place a knot on the end of two strands of embroidery thread and begin to backstitch the center of the donut first. This will attach the frosting felt piece to the donut top.
Below you can see the backstitch is around 3mm from the edge.
When you get back to the beginning of the backstitch turn the piece over and sew back on the last stitch a bit through the back of the felt and then pull the string threw. This will hold the thread in place. Now snip to cut the thread.
Here is the finish backstitch on the center of the donut.
Place a knot once more on the end of two strands of embroidery thread. Now backstitch along the outer edge of the frosting.
Now turn the piece over and stitch in place threw a bit of the back fabric and pull the needle threw the stitch. This will hold the thread in place. Now cut the thread.
Pin the top and bottom donut pieces, wrong sides together, with straight pins.
Take two strands of embroidery thread of a matching color to the donut, and place a knot at the end. Pull the thread up threw the back of the top piece so the knot will be sandwiched between the top and bottom and the end will be tucked inside the finished donut.
With a blanket stitch go around the insde of the donut hole to attach the top and bottom pieces together.
To end the thread, stitch in place a few times over the final stitch and pull the needle inside between the top and bottom piece and cut. This will hide the end of the thread.
Now with two pieces of embroidery thread place a knot at the end. Pull up threw the back of the top piece so the knot will be sandwiched between the top and bottom piece and eventually hidden inside the finished donut.
Using a blanket stitch, sew around the outer edge of the donut to sew the top and bottom pieces together.
Leave around 1.5″ open for filling the donut.
Put some stuffing into the donut and press it down to the bottom. Add enough stuffing to get a nice round shape but don’t stuff it too tight or you might damage the seam.
Continue the blanket stitch to close up the hole adding extra filling as you go if necessary. Stitch in place over the last stitch and pull the needle into the donut and back out. Now snip the thread, this will hide the end inside the donut.
Here is the finished donut design. As you can see there are many color combinations you can come up with and don’t hold back when decorating the frosting.
I’m sure now that you’ve snagged this fantastic Valentine’s day felt donut design and maybe you are looking for more fun designs to make more felt Valentine’s day crafts. Here is a selection of more designs from other artists to make your own felt crafts:
I hope you enjoy this pdf file and use it to make lots of fun crafts for Valentine’s Day. Please leave a comment below, especially if you used this design. And if you enjoyed this post please share on pintrest using the image below.
Hi I'm Catherine and I'm so glad you've decided to stop by and make stuff with me! My blog is full of fun project to keep you entertained and help you learn new skills. Here you will find lots of fun and easy crafts, printable, svgs fils and home decor ideas.
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