We all lead busy lives and we don’t always have time to sit down in the evening with a book. One trick I love is to listen to audiobooks while I work. I can put them on while I’m house cleaning or cooking or crafting and kill two birds with one stone.

Here is a selection of some great craft books to listen too while you work. These books are available on Amazon through Audible and the great thing about Audible is that you can sign up for a free trial. With the free trial you get 2 books for free and you get to keep them forever, it doesn’t end when your trial ends.

1 The Cricut Craft by Daisy Craft, This audiobook is full of projects and ideas to get you crafting. Its also packed full of useful information for begginers who are wanting to get started with their Cricut machine.

2. Cricut Design Space by Joanna Maker, If you have been having some issues with your new Cricut machine than this audio book will be perfect for you. She will talk you through how to work with design space and any intimidating issues you may have been having.

3. The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron, When I was in college my teacher recommended this book to my class. It’s an excellent book for any artist too read. It will help any artist inspire their creativity.

4. Crochet for beginners by Nancy Gordon, If you are a beginner and you are wanting to learn how to crochet than this book is right for you. This book includes a lot of patterns and instructions for many skill levels.

5. Knitting for Beginners by Nancy Gordon, This is a great audio book for any begginer knitter, because this book is easy to listen to. It includes step by step instructions with excellent knitting tips to help you solve common problems.

6. Sewing: The definitive guide to sewing for beginners by Caryn Kuhlman, Sewing is a popular hobby but it is still intimidating for many. This book is great for anyone wanting to get starting with sewing but not knowing where to start.

7. Candle making business by Clement Harrison, Have you ever thought of starting your own business? Well candle making is a popular and profitable business idea. This book will help you to start, grow and run your own home business.

8. Soap Making business Startup by Suzanne Carpenter, I had my own soap making busines for a year and it was a wonderful experience for me. If you love being creative and making things from scratch than soap making is a great business idea. This book will help you to start, gro and run a soap business from your home.

9. One Day Beading Mastery by Ellen Warren, beaded jewelry is a beautiful hobbie and very satisfying to make. There are so many colors and patterns to create with beaded jewelry. This book will help you to make beautiful and unique jewelry designs.

10. Crafting: The top 300 best crafts of all time by Susan Hollister, If you love to make crafts and you love to try new things than you will enjoy this book. This book will present you with a huge variety of new craft ideas to try. They are great to make for your self or with friends and family.
I hope that you enjoyed this list of audio books. I know from my own experience having something in the background while working, driving or cleaning can be a pleasant way to spend my time. Listening to audio books is a great way to multi task so when you do have the time to sit down and try something new, your head will be bursting with new ideas to try.