Easy mask headband with buttons

Easy mask headband with buttons

Learn how to make these easy to sew diy headbands with buttons to wear with your face masks. Take the strain off your ears by attaching the elastic loops to the buttons instead

I made these super easy headbands from scratch using old t-shirts and cheap t-shirts I bought at Walmart. They are a great way to take the strain of your ears if you are wearing a face mask for an extended period of time. And as an added bonus they will cover up your quarantine roots if you are patiently waiting for the hair salons to reopen like I am.

You may already have some head bands at home so follow along with the tutorial so you can learn how to easily add buttons to one you have already. But of course a girl can never have too any headbands they are essential for keeping your hair out of your face when washing your face at the end of the day or if you are working out to keep strays hair at bay.

From start to finish they easy headbands probably only take 10 min and after you complete one you will be a pro and can make many others to share with your friends.

You just need few simple materials that you can pick up at your local shopping centre or online. Here is a list of the materials I used.

My post contains some affiliate links so if you make a purchase after clicking on a link I may receive a commission but it will not cost you anything. Read my disclosure here. Free patterns are for personal use only

Follow along as I show you how to make these easy to sew button headbands

  1. The first step is to print out the free patten

2. Than using the rotary cutter and ruler, cut out the pattern from the jersey fabric. Make sure to place the pattern along the fold.

3. Fold the fabric right sides together and pic

4. Sew along edge with a zig zag stitch

5. Turn inside out

6. Press flat with seem along centre

7. Fold one edge in to create a 1cm hem

8. Place the other side inside the hem and sew flat

9. Now mark 4 inches up from the hem on both side with a pin

10. Sew a button where the pin is placed

11. Now your head band is complete and ready to be worn


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